Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/133

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I reckon. But stuff something in and it will hold until we get to shore. We haven't far to go."

The boat was soon under way again, and offers of aid from sister craft that circled around were declined. A bundle of rags served to stop the inrush of most of the water, and a little later the craft, with its load of fish, was hauled up on the beach by means of a tackle and fall, horses being the motive power. Joe and Blake got pictures of the other boats making a similar landing, theirs being the first in.

"Well, we got some fine views," said Blake, as he and his chum started for their boarding place.

"We sure did, and something unexpected, too. I never counted on a swordfish attack."

"No, and I guess the fishermen didn't either. But it will make a realistic film, as Mr. Hadley would say."

"It's just our hoodoo luck again," went on Joe. "Something out of the ordinary seems to be happening all the while to us."

"Well, it's better than monotony."

"I suppose so. But I wonder what it will be next?"

The boys were congratulated on their success by Mr. Hadley and Mr. Ringold, and the films, when developed and printed a little later, furnished a series of fine views.