Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/169

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"This will branch off pretty soon," was Blake's opinion. "This is just a blind, to make us believe they have given up, and gone inland. Come on, Joe, and keep a sharp lookout for any other signs."

They found none for some time, and then they came to a little open place where the soft ground held several footprints.

"We're getting warmer!" exclaimed Joe.

"Hush!" cautioned his chum. "They may hear us."

"Why, you don't think they're around here; do you?"

"There's no telling. It's best to be on the safe side. Keep quiet. Hello! here's something else!" and Blake, moving cautiously, so as not to make any more noise than possible, picked up a bit of metal.

"What is it?" asked Joe.

"Part of their lantern," answered his chum. "It was made of black sheet iron, you remember. This piece may have fallen off when they dragged it through the bushes. We're on the right trail, all right."

"I believe you. But I wish it would turn on to a better path. It's no fun forcing your way through these bushes."

"It'll turn soon now," predicted Blake. "They