Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/172

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they're going to be disappointed. Another thing."

"What's that, Blake?" asked Joe, as he noticed a his chum leaning over and carefully examining the marks in the dirt.

"Why, naturally they wouldn't go to the left, as that eventually leads to the lighthouse. They want to keep some distance from that. Of course they'd go to the right. And here's where we go after 'em. Come on!"

There was no hesitation now. Joe was as sure as his chum that the wreckers had gone farther down the coast, perhaps to some other high cliff where they could set up their lantern.

They followed the path. The trail was plain now, showing that a number of men had passed along. Footprints were the only clues, however, a number overlapping one another.

"What shall we do if we find them?" asked Joe.

"I—I don't know," answered Blake. This was when they had been following the new trail for about an hour.

"We can't tackle 'em alone, that's sure," went on Joe.

"No, but we can— Hark! What's that?" whispered Blake, suddenly.

They listened intently. Far off they could hear the roar of the surf on the beach; but, closer at