Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/216

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I left you with a family, who later disappeared. You must tell me your story, Joe, and how you found me. But now as to your sister.

"Most unexpectedly, after years of searching, I got word that she had been brought up in a minister's family, and that lately she had gone as a missionary's helper to China. I had long planned to take a sea voyage, and when I got this news I decided to go at once, and bring her back. Then I was to renew my search for you.

"An agent in San Francisco told me of a vessel about to sail for Hong Kong, and I deserted my post at the lighthouse and sailed. I admit I did wrong in leaving so suddenly, but it seemed to be the best thing to do. I did not want to be arrested as a wrecker even though I was innocent."

"I'll forgive you," said Mr. Stanton, with a smile. "I'm so glad to learn you're not one of them pesky wreckers."

And then began a long series of explanations, Mr. Duncan listening with interest to Joe's story, and, in turn, telling how his vessel was wrecked, and how he and the others were picked up, only to be wrecked again, nearer home.

Joe's father paused a moment and then said:

"But, son, tell me something of yourself. I've been doing all the talking, it seems. Are you