Page:Moyarra- An Australian Legend in Two Cantos, 1891.djvu/36

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She's lost! 'tis now thy task to prove
Moyarra worthy of her love."
"Full well I know my future life
A stern, I hope successful strife:
Yes! o'er the vengeance of my soul
The foe, at least, has no control;—
My ruined hopes, my blighted heart
I owe to his malignant art.
The single passion left mature
Shall wreak on him a reckoning sure:
But 'midst the pangs my heart that tear
One reigns and will not comfort hear;
I—fondly proud—in folly bold,
I—I should have this foretold."
"Nay, nay, Moyarra, say not so,
Too well his vantage took the foe!
What nightly watch, what course by day
Shall screen from us his backward way,
Were he protected by the barrier
Of each his tribe's most chosen warrior
Thy wrath would for the recreant doom
That vengeance which shall surely come :
What marvel that Muntookan too"—
"Enough, enough, all this I know,