Page:Moyarra- An Australian Legend in Two Cantos, 1891.djvu/73

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Of the river oak, when storms at night3
The gloomy mountain's echoes rouse:
And now thou art gone, loved Mytah.

Though the rites of our country forbid that thy name4
From the lips of thy kindred meet homage may claim,
Yet, more deep than the glozing of language may tell,
Enshrined in our memories thy image shall dwell,
Though now thou art gone from us, Mytah.

Yes! if aught our affection for thee may outgo
It shall be of our hate the untameable glow
That burns to consume thy destroyer, w4th rage
Which the blood of its victim alone can assuage
Because thou art gone, loved Mytah.

Destruction shall couch in his path, as the snake
Ere, darting its venom, it springs from the brake.
Till the hand of thy foe from his vile carcase torn5
Thy shade shall appease, and our triumph adorn
Because thou art gone, loved Mytah.