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to go on, and it ain't for the likes of us to stand in his way. DANNY

And what dae ye mean by a' this, lassie ? LU

Danny, Jim and me was together last night when the fire broke out. I ain't sayin' I ain't blind mad in love with him . I can't - can't help it. It's just the mother in me, Danny. Last night - it seems years ago Pause .

Last night, Danny - I found out he had a home and kids somewhere, and-well, you see, I'm

out, Danny, that's all, and-well, you got to help me, Danny. DANNY

And hoo can I help, Lu ? LU

Why , Danny Pause .

I'm going to say ~ I'm going home. DANNY

Hameye hae no any hame, Lu. LU

I have if I say I have, Danny, and you under stand that ? DANNY

Why, lassie, a' ye've got i’ the world is that fool spangled croon. Yir nae goin' ta stop him helpin' ye , are ye ?