Page:Mr. Punch's history of the Great War, Graves, 1919.djvu/122

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Mr. Punch's History of the Great War

collector, lift-girl, club waitress, post-woman, bank clerk, motor-driver, farm-labourer, guide, munition maker. There is nothing new in the function of ministering angel: the myriad nurses in hospital here or abroad are only carrying out, though in greater numbers than ever before, what has always been woman's mission. But whenever he sees one of these new citizens, or hears fresh stories of their address and ability, Mr. Punch is proud and delighted. Perhaps in the past, even

Mr. Punch's history of the Great War p122
Mr. Punch's history of the Great War p122

Farmer (who has got a lady-help in the dairy): "'Ullo, Missy, what in the world be ye doin'?"

Lady: "Well, you told me to water the cows, and I'm doing it. They don't seem to like it much."

in the present, he may have been, or even still is, a little given to chaff Englishwomen for some of their foibles, and even their aspirations. But he never doubted how splendid they were at heart; he never for a moment supposed they would be anything but ready and keen when the hour of need struck.