Page:Mr. Punch's history of the Great War, Graves, 1919.djvu/262

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Mr. Punch's History of the Great War

July, 1918.

FRANCE'S DAY" was held on July 14 under the auspices of the British Red Cross Committee. But this has been France's month, the month in which the miracle of the first battle of the Marne has been equalled by the second,

Mr. Punch's history of the Great War p262
Mr. Punch's history of the Great War p262


Attila (to Little Willie): "Speaking as one barbarian to another, I don't recommend the neighbourhood. I found it a bit unhealthy myself."
(Attila's victorious progress across Gaul was finally checked on the plains of Châlons.)

and the Germans have been hurled back across the fatal river by the tremendous counterstroke of General Foch.

On the 15th the Germans launched their great offensive. On the 20th they recrossed the Marne, and are now entitled to complain that General Foch not only took over the French