Page:Mrs. Spring Fragrance - Far - 1912.djvu/276

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and that quondam friend returned his glance. But the servant men shuddered.

"It is the haunted forest," they cried. Oh, honorable masters, venture not amongst evil spirits!"

But Li Wang laughed them to scorn, as also did Liu Jusong.

"Give me a lantern," bade Li Wang. "I will search alone since you are afraid."

He spake to his servants; but it was not his servants who answered: "Nay, not alone. Thy grandson is my grandson and mine is thine!"

"Oh, grandfather," cried Little Waking Eyes, clasping his arms around Liu Jusong's neck, "where are father and mother?"

And Little Sleeping Eyes murmured in Li Wang's ear, "I want my father and mother!"

Liu Jusong and Li Wang looked at each other. "Let us send for our children," said they.


OW many moons, Liu Venti, since our little ones went from us?" asked Pau Tsu.

She was very pale, and there was a yearning expression in her eyes.