Page:Mrs. Spring Fragrance - Far - 1912.djvu/301

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silence and stillness around. The very leaves had ceased to flutter, and only the soul of a bird hovered near.

The Wild Man had gigantic arms and legs and a broad, hairy chest. His mouth was exceeding large and his head was unshaved. He wore a sack of coarse linen, open in front with holes for arms. On his head was a rattan cap, besmeared with the blood of a deer.

The Gentle Boy was small and plump; his skin was like silk and the tips of his little fingers were pink. His queue was neatly braided and interwoven with silks of many colors. He wore a peach-colored blouse and azure pantaloons, all richly embroidered, and of the finest material. The buttons on his tunic were of pure gold, and the sign of the dragon was worked on his cap. He was of the salt of the earth, a descendant of Confutze, an aristocrat of aristocrats.

"Of what are you thinking?" asked the Wild Man.

"About the carriers. Did they taste good?" asked the Gentle Boy with mild curiosity.

"Yes, but there is something that will taste better, younger and tenderer, you know."

He surveyed the Gentle Boy with glistening eyes.

The Gentle Boy thought of his father's