Page:Mrs. Spring Fragrance - Far - 1912.djvu/318

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coins, and with a hop and a jump was out in the street again.

"I will take three sticks of twisted candy of many colors," said he to the candy man.

With his three sticks of candy Yen returned to the green. He had just bitten a piece off the brightest stick of all when his eyes fell on a spinning top which his mother had given him that morning. He crunched the candy, but somehow or other it did not taste sweet.

"Yen! Yen!" called his grandfather, awaking from his sleep.

Yen ran across to him.

"Honorable grandfather," said he, "I have some beautiful candy for you!"

He put the three sticks of candy upon his grandfather's knees.

"Dear child!" exclaimed the old man, adjusting his spectacles. "How did you come to get the candy?"

Yen's little face became very red. He knew that he had done wrong, so instead of answering his grandfather, he hopped three times.

"How did you get the candy?" again inquired Grandfather Chan.

"From the candy man," said Yen, "from the candy man. Eat it, eat it."

Now Grandfather Chan was a little deaf,