Page:Mrs. Spring Fragrance - Far - 1912.djvu/326

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such merry music that everybody who hears becomes merry also?"

The old man stopped thrumming and rubbed his chin. Then he smiled around him and answered: "Why, I think, little Jewel Eyes, that the joyful music comes just because I am old, lame, and blind."

Yen looked down at his little finger.

"Do you hear what says the honorable great-grandfather of the world?" he asked.

The little finger straightened itself up. It no longer felt sore, and Yen was no longer sour and sad.


𝕋HE baby was asleep. Ku Yum looked curiously at her little brother as he lay in placid slumber. His head was to be shaved for the first time that afternoon, and he was dressed for the occasion in three padded silk vests, sky-blue trousers and an embroidered cap, which was surmounted by a little gold god and a sprig of evergreen for good luck. This kept its place on his head, even in sleep. On his arms and ankles were hung many amulets and charms, and on the whole he appeared a very resplendent baby.