Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1022

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1721.—PASTRY SANDWICHES. (Fr.Patisserie.)

Ingredients.—Pastry trimmings, jam, castor sugar.

Method.—Knead the trimmings lightly into a smooth round ball, and roll out very thinly, keeping the shape as square as possible. Spread jam evenly over one half, fold the other half over, wet the edges, and press them lightly together. Brush over with water, dredge well with castor sugar, and with the back of a blade of a knife mark the paste across in lines about 1 inch apart Bake for about 20 minutes in a moderate oven, and when cold cut the paste into strips. If preferred, currants, with the addition of a little sugar and shredded candied peel, may be used instead of jam.

Time.—30 minutes.

1722.—CREAM BUNS. (Fr.Petits Choux à la Crème.)

Ingredients.—Choux paste (No. 1650), ½ a pint of cream, castor sugar.

Method.—Shape the paste as directed in the recipe for Coffee Eclairs, and bake them from 10 to 15 minutes. When cool, make an incision on one side, scoop out the soft interior, and fill them with stiffly-whipped sweetened cream. Dredge with castor sugar, and serve.

Time.—From 1¼ to 1½ hours. Average Cost, 2d. each. Sufficient for 1 dish.

1723.—POLISH TARTLETS. (Fr.Tartlettes à la Polonaise.)

Ingredients.—Puff paste trimmings, raspberry and apricot jam, chopped pistachios, grated cocoanut.

Method.—Roll the paste out thinly, cut it into 2½-inch squares, moisten each corner, fold them over to meet in the centre, and cover the join with a small round of paste. Bake in a moderately hot oven for about 15 minutes. When cold place a little jam at each corner, and sprinkle cocoanut on the raspberry jam, and a little finely-chopped pistachio nut on the apricot jam.

Time.—To bake, from 10 to 15 minutes.

1724.—PRUNE TARTS. (Fr.Tourte aux Pruneaux.)

Ingredients.—¾ of a lb. of prunes, 1 tablespoonful of cranberry juice, sugar to taste, paste (No. 1667, or 1668).

Method.—Scald the prunes, remove the stones, and take out the kernels; put the fruit and kernels into the cranberry juice, and add the sugar; simmer for 10 minutes, when cold make the tarts. Any stone fruit can be cooked in the same way.

Time.—About 1 hour. Average Cost, 8d. to 1s. Sufficient for 2 medium-sized tarts.