Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1144

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for 5 minutes. Let it cool, add the beaten yolks of eggs, and stir by the side of the fire until they thicken. Now put in the bananas thinly-sliced, and the vanilla essence, and pour the preparation into a wetted mould.

Time.—From 30 to 35 minutes. Average Cost, 10d. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons. Seasonable at any time.


Ingredients.—Firm bananas, crushed ice, Krona pepper.

Method.—Let the bananas remain on ice for at least 12 hours, then remove the skins, and cut the bananas into thick slices. Fill a finger bowl with finely-crushed ice, piling it high in the centre, and place the bowl on a dish covered with a serviette. Replace the sliced bananas in their original form, and arrange them overlapping each other round the bowl of ice. Serve with salt and Krona pepper.

Time.—12 to 13 hours. Average Cost, Good Bananas, 2d. each. Allow 1 to each person.


Ingredients.—½ a pint of banana pulp, ¼ of a pint of stiffly-whipped cream, ½ an oz. of gelatine, sugar to taste, Savoy biscuits or strips of bread (see Apple Charlotte, No. 1755).

Method.—Obtain the pulp by passing the bananas through a fine sieve. Soak the gelatine in cold water, and stir it over the fire until dissolved. Prepare the mould as directed in the recipe for making Apple Charlotte. Mix the banana pulp and cream lightly together, sweeten to taste, add the gelatine, and, when well mixed, turn into the prepared mould.

Time.—About 1 hour. Average Cost, 1s. 9d., exclusive of Savoy biscuits. Sufficient for a pint mould.

2083.—BANANA TRIFLE. (Fr.Trifle de Banane.)

Ingredients.—1 pint of cream, ½ a pint of lemon jelly, 6 bananas, ¼ of an oz. of gelatine, 2 tablespoonfuls of apricot jam sieved, a good tablespoonful of almonds, 2 dozen of ratafias, 1 wineglassful of Maraschino or Curaçoa, carmine.

Method.—Pass the bananas through a hair sieve, add the jam, cool liquid jelly, and the Maraschino or Curaçoa. Dissolve the gelatine in a tablespoonful of water, mix with the other ingredients, add a few drops of carmine to brighten the colour, and pour into a deep dish. Blanch, shred, bake the almonds brown, and let them become perfectly cold. When ready to serve, whip the cream stiffly, sweeten to taste with castor sugar, and, if liked, flavour with Maraschino or Curaçoa.