Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1151

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2098.—COMPOTE OF APPLES WITH CREAM. (Fr.Compôte de Pommes à la Crème.)

Ingredients.—1 lb. of sour cooking apples, 4 ozs. of loaf sugar, 1 oz. of vanilla sugar, ½ a pint of cream, ½ a pint of milk, 2 cloves, the thinly-cut rind of ½ a lemon, 2 yolks of eggs, 1 glass of sherry, 1 glass of Maraschino.

Method.—Pare, core and stew the apples with the loaf sugar, cloves, lemon-rind, and a little water until tender, then drain well, and place them in a glass dish. Bring the milk nearly to boiling point, add the beaten yolks of eggs, stir, and cook slowly until they thicken, then add the cherry and vanilla sugar. Stir frequently until the custard is quite cold, then pour it over the apples. Whip the cream stiffly, sweeten to taste with castor sugar, add the Maraschino, pile lightly on the top of the custard, then serve.

Time.—Altogether, from 2 to 2½ hours. Average Cost, 1s. 9d. to 2s. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons. Seasonable at any time.

2099.—COMPOTE OF FRUIT. (Fr.Compôte de Fruits.)

Ingredients.—½ a lb. of loaf sugar, ¼ of a pint of water, fruit either fresh or preserved.

Method.—Dissolve the sugar in the water, boil until well reduced, skimming meanwhile. Immersion for a few minutes is all that is necessary when using preserved fruits; but fresh fruit must be simmered in the prepared syrup until sufficiently cooked, but not broken. The compote may be served as a separate sweet, or as an accompaniment to plain creams, blancmange, etc.


Ingredients.—2 ozs. of cornflour or arrowroot, 1½ ozs. of castor sugar, 1 pint of milk, bay-leaf, or other flavouring.

Method.—Mix the cornflour smoothly with a little milk, boil the rest with the bay-leaf, and let it infuse for 10 or 15 minutes. Now stir in the blended cornflour, and cook gently for 5 minutes, then remove the bay-leaf, add the sugar, and pour into a mould, previously rinsed with cold water. Serve with jam, stewed fruit, or fruit syrup.

Time.—About ½ an hour. Average Cost, 4d. Sufficient for 4 or 5 persons.


Ingredients.—Vanilla blancmange (1½ quantities of recipe No. 2171), 7 eggs.

Method.—Make a small hole at the end of each egg, empty them,