Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1542

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water, let the jug stand covered until the contents are quite cold, then strain. If preferred, the apples may be previously roasted.

Time.—1 hour. Average Cost, 3d.


Ingredients.—1 dessertspoonful of arrowroot, 1 teaspoonful of castor sugar, ½ a pint of milk or water.

Method.—Mix the arrowroot smoothly with a little cold milk, boil the remainder and pour it on, stirring briskly meanwhile. Return to the stewpan, and boil for 5 minutes, stirring all the time. Add the sugar, and serve. If preferred, an equal quantity of water may be substituted for the milk.

Time.—10 minutes. Average Cost, 1½d.


Ingredients.—2 tablespoonfuls of black-currant jam, 1 tablespoonful of arrowroot, 1 quart of water.

Method.—Put the jam and water into a stewpan, bring to the boil, and simmer gently for ½ an hour. Strain, return the liquid to the stewpan, and bring again to boiling point. Mix the arrowroot smoothly with a little cold water, pour it into the stewpan, and boil gently for about 10 minutes. Pour into a jug, stir from time to time until cold, and use.

Time.—45 minutes. Average Cost, 3d.


Ingredients.—2 ozs. of pearl barley, 2 or 3 lumps of sugar, the thinly pared rind of ½ a small lemon, 1 pint of boiling water.

Method.—Cover the barley with cold water, boil for 2 minutes, and strain. Place the barley, sugar and lemon-rind in a jug, pour in the boiling water, and cover closely. When cold, strain and use. This forms a nutritious, agreeable drink, and it is also largely used to dilute milk, thus making it easier of digestion.

Time.—1 hour. Average Cost, 1½d.

3252.—BARLEY WATER. (Another Method.)

Ingredients.—1 oz. of pearl barley, 1 quart of cold water, the thinly-pared rind of 1 lemon, the juice of 1 lemon (if allowed), sugar to taste.

Method.—Blanch the barley, then strain and return it to the stewpan. Add the water, simmer gently for ½ an hour, then put in the lemon-rind and continue the cooking for ½ an hour longer. When ready, strain into a jug, add the lemon-juice and sugar, and when cold use as required.

Time.—1½ hours. Average Cost, 1½d.

A very nutritious and extremely pleasant drink may be quickly and easily prepared by using Patent Barley. Directions for making it are given with each packet.