Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1606

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the flour, and adding the saffron liquor which has been previously infused in a ¼ of a pint of warm water and strained. Well and thoroughly mix by rubbing it on the board, then add the raisins (stoned and cut up), and the currants (previously cleaned); then turn it into a large well greased mould, or 2 smaller ones, stand it aside to prove, and, when well proved, bake in a moderate oven from 1½ to 2 hours.

Time.—1½ to 2 hours, to bake. Average Cost, 3s. Sufficient for 1 large cake.


Ingredients.—½ a lb. of butter, 1 lb. of flour, ¼ of an oz. of caraway seeds, ½ a lb. of currants, 6 ozs. of moist sugar, 1 oz. of candied peel, 3 eggs, ½ a pint of milk, 2 small teaspoonfuls of baking-powder.

Method.—Rub the baking-powder and butter into the flour until it is quite fine; add the caraway seeds, currants (which should be nicely washed, picked and dried), sugar, and candied peel cut into thin slices; mix these well together, and moisten with the eggs, which should be well whisked, and with the milk wet up the other ingredients into a nice soft cake batter. Butter a tin, pour the cake mixture into it, and bake it in a moderate oven from ¾ to 1 hour.

Time.—1 to 1½ hours. Average Cost, 1s. 6d. Sufficient for 1 cake.


Ingredients.—1 lb. of butter, 1½ lbs. of flour, 1 lb. of castor sugar, the grated rind of 1 lemon, 2 ozs. of candied peel, 5 to 6 eggs.

Method.—Put the butter and sugar into a clean pan, add the grated rind of 1 lemon, and with the hand beat it up to very light cream; add in the eggs 1 at a time, and beat well after each addition of eggs; when all are in and the batter is very light and creamy, add the flour, stir it in lightly with the hand, and when well mixed divide the mixture equally into 3 or 4 round tins, papered at the bottoms and sides with buttered white paper; dust sugar over from a dredger, and lay 2 very thin slices of citron peel on top. Bake in a moderate oven. They will take from 1 to 1¼ hours to bake.

Time.—1 to 1½ hours. Average Cost, 2s. 6d. Sufficient for 3 or 4 medium-sized cakes.


Ingredients.White part: 2 teacupfuls of flour, 1½ cupfuls of castor sugar, ½ a cupful of butter, ½ a cupful of milk, 4 whites of eggs, ½ a teaspoonful of cream of tartar, ¼ of a teaspoonful of soda. Dark part: 2½ cupfuls of flour, ½ a cupful of butter, 1 cupful of brown sugar, ½ a cupful of treacle, ½ a cupful of milk, 3 eggs, ½ a teaspoonful of car-