Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1655

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Method.—Place the fruit, sugar and water in a large jar with a close-fitting cover, stand the jar in a saucepan of boiling water, and cook gently for 2 hours. Strain the juice, measure it, put it into a preserving pan or stewpan (preferably an enamelled one), and boil gently for 20 minutes, skimming carefully meanwhile. To each pint of syrup add a small glass of brandy, let the whole become quite cold, then bottle for use.


Ingredients.—12 lbs. of cherries; to each gallon of juice obtained from them allow 4 lbs. of sugar, ½ a teaspoonful of ground mace, ¼ of a teaspoonful of ground allspice, 1 quart of brandy, and 1 quart of rum.

Method.—Remove the stones, place the fruit in a large jar, and stand the jar in a saucepan containing boiling water. Cook gently until all the juice is extracted, strain it and measure it into a preserving pan. Add sugar, mace and allspice in the proportions stated above, and simmer the ingredients until the scum ceases to rise. When cold, add the spirits, and bottle for use.


Ingredients.—12 lbs. of cherries, preferably small black ones, either loaf or good preserving sugar.

Method.—Place the cherries on a large dish and bruise them well with a large wooden spoon. Allow them to remain until the following day, then drain them well on a hair sieve, and measure the juice into an earthenware vessel. To each quart of juice add ½ a lb of sugar, cover the vessel, let it stand for 24 hours, and strain the liquor into a clean, dry cask. Bung closely, but provide the upper part of the cask with a vent peg; let it remain undisturbed for about 6 months, then drain off into bottles. Cork closely, store in a cool, dry place, and use as required.

3492.—CHERRY WINE. (Another Method.)

Ingredients.—Ripe chenies. To each quart of juice extracted from them add a pinch each of ground mace, ground cloves and ground all-spice, ½ a pint of brandy, and ½ a pint of rum.

Method.—Stone the cherries, put them into a large jar, place it in a saucepan of boiling water, and cook gently until the juice is all extracted. Then strain it into a preserving pan, add sugar and flavouring ingredients in the proportion stated above, and boil and skim until clear. Let it cool, add the spirits, pour into bottles, cork them closely, and use as required.