Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1672

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Method.—Remove the rinds of the lemons as thinly as possible, and pour over them the boiling water. When cool, add the strained juice of the lemons, the raisins stoned and finely chopped, and the sugar. Cover; let the preparation remain for 5 days, stirring 3 or 4 times daily, then strain into bottles. This beverage will keep good only a short time.



Ingredients.—1 quart of good brandy, 1 oz. of anise-seed, 1 lb. of loaf sugar, 1 pint of water.

Method.—Put the anise-seed into the brandy, and let it stand, closely corked, for a fortnight, shaking it occasionally; boil the sugar and water to a syrup, and strain the brandy into it. When cool, bottle, cork securely, and store for use.


Ingredients.—1 quart of arrack, 1 quart of water, 1 lb. of sugar-candy, the rind of ½ a lemon.

Method.—Remove the outer part of the lemon rind as thinly as possible, add it and the sugar-candy to the water, and boil gently until a moderately thick syrup is formed. When cold, strain and add it to the arrack, bottle, cork securely, and store for use.

Arrack.—This spirit is produced by fermenting the juice of the cocoa and other palms; it is extensively used in the East, but is little known in England.


Ingredients.—1 lb. of black currants, ¾ of a lb. of sugar-candy, 1½ pints of good gin.

Method.—Strip the fruit from the stalks, put it into a wide-necked bottle, add the sugar-candy crushed to a fine powder, and pour in the gin. Let it stand for 2 months, then strain until it is quite clear, and bottle for use.


Ingredients.—1 oz. of caraway seeds, ½ a lb. of loaf sugar, 1 quart of brandy, ½ a pint of water.

Method.—Boil the sugar and water to thin syrup, pour it, quite boiling, over the caraway seeds, let it cool slightly, and add the brandy. When quite cold pour the whole into a bottle, cork securely, allow it to stand for 10 days, then strain into small bottles, cork them tightly, and store for use.