Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1822

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3939.—TO TRUSS A GOOSE OR DUCK. (Trussing Illustration No. 5, Fig. 5.)

Geese and ducks are prepared, drawn and trussed in the same manner as fowls and turkeys, except that the wings or pinions are cut off at the first joint. The feet of a goose are nearly always removed, but those of a duck are just as frequently left on, the tips of the toes alone being cut off.

Having well plucked and singed the bird, cut off the feet at the joint, the pinions at the first joint, and the neck close to the back, as directed for fowls, leaving enough skin to turn over the back. Next loosen the inside at the throat end. Cut the bird open between the vent and the rump and draw; then wipe out the bird and very carefully flatten the breastbone with a rolling-pin, taking care not to break the bone into splinters. Put a skewer through the under part of one wing and bring it through the other, as shown in Fig. 5. Skewer the legs by passing the skewer through the first joint and carrying it through the body so as to secure the other. Always remove the merry-thought from a duck or a goose.


When plucking leave the breast feather for removal afterwards, in order to prevent the skin being broken in trussing.

First, cut off the head, leaving enough skin to skewer back, loosen the inside at neck and squeeze out and wipe the inside of the bird.

Secondly, bring the legs close to the breast, between it and the side bones, and pass a needle through the pinions and the thick part of the thighs, tie round, then take off the breast feathers with the aid of a knife, thus avoiding the breaking of the skin.

Partridges and pheasants are trussed in the same manner, but the latter are large enough for the passage of the hand and can be drawn in the same way as a fowl.

3941.—TO TRUSS A PIGEON. (Trussing Illustration No. 3, Figs. 6 and 7.)

First pluck and draw the bird, wash it very thoroughly and wipe perfectly dry. Then cut off the neck and head, and the toes at the first joint. Truss for roasting by crossing the legs and running a trussing needle and twine through both pinions and legs (Fig. 7).

For stewing, twist the legs up on each side and fasten with a trussing needle and twine (Fig. 6).

Pigeons are better if drawn directly they are killed. They are birds that do not improve by keeping.