Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1846

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Chow-chow. Name of a kind of pickle consisting of a combination of various vegetables, such as cauliflower buds, button onions, gherkins, French beans, and tiny carrots. These are preserved in a kind of mustard sauce, seasoned with strongly flavoured aromatic spices.

Chowder (Eng.). A dish of American origin. It consists of boiled pickled pork cut in slices, fried onions, slices of turbot or other fish, and mashed potatoes, all placed alternately in a stewpan, seasoned with spices and herbs, claret and ketchup, and simmered.

Ciboulette (Fr.). Small green onions, chives.

Citronné (Fr.). Anything which has the taste or flavour of lemon.

Clouter (Fr.). To insert nail-shaped pieces of truffle, bacon, or tongue into meat or poultry. The holes to receive them are made by means of a skewer.

Cochenille (Fr.) (Cochineal). A liquid colouring substance, used for colouring creams, sauces, icing, etc. It is obtained from insects known as coccus, indigenous to Mexico and Guatemala. The insects are dried in an oven heated to 150° Fahr. It requires 70,000 insects to produce a pound of dye.

Cochin de lait (Fr.). Sucking pig (Eng.).

Colbert (Fr.). A French clear soup and other dishes, named after John Baptiste Colbert, a clever statesman in the reign of Louis XIV of France, 1619–1683.

Compiègne (Fr.). A light yeast cake with crystallized fruit. Also name of a famous French castle built by St. Louis and rebuilt by Louis XIV of France. Joan of Arc was taken prisoner here by the English, 1430.

Compote (Fr.). Stew of small birds. Fruit or vegetables stewed and daintily dressed.

Concasser (Fr.). Coarsely pounded.

Condé. Name of an old French family. Prince Louis de Conde (1621-1687) was a famous field-marshal. Several soups and entrées, of which rice forms an essential part, are styled "à la Conde."

Confiture (Fr.). Fruit jams. Also sweetmeats of sugar and fruits. Fruit pastes.

Consommé. Clear gravy soup. The clarified liquor in which meat or poultry has been boiled, or the liquor from the stock pot clarified.

Contiser (Fr.). To insert truffles into fillets of meat or fish.

Cordon (Fr.). A cord or ribbon bestowed as a badge of honour.

Cordon Bleu (Fr.). An ancient culinary distinction bestowed on skilful female cooks in France since the time of Louis XV. It consists of a rosette made of dark blue ribbon.

Cordon Rouge. Name of culinary distinction, granted by an English society of the same title to skilful cooks of both sexes, and to others who are celebrated for the invention of valuable articles of food or drink. The badge of the Order consists of a modelled white heart cherry, suspended by a cherry-red ribbon.

Côte (Fr.). A rib slice of beef or veal. The word côtelette is derived from côte, and means a piece of meat with the portion of the rib attached.

Côtelettes (Fr.). Cutlets. Small slices of meat cut from the neck of veal, mutton, lamb, or pork. Also thin slices of meat from other parts.

Cou-de-gin de modène (Fr.). Name of a special kind of Italian sausage.

Cougloff (Fr.). Kugelhopf (Ger.). A German cake; a kind of rich dough cake.

Coulibriac. Name of a Russian dish—a kind of fish-cake mixture wrapped up in Brioche paste and baked.

Coulis (Fr.). A rich savoury stock sauce; German grundsauce, i.e. bottom sauce below the fat, lean sauce of a bruise or blanc.