Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/2141

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weakness, China 1x; for painless diarrhœa in early morning, Podophyllum 3; for urgent diarrhœa, worse between 5 and 10 a.m., Aloes 6; for watery diarrhœa, with cold sweat on forehead and great pain, Verat alb. 6. The dose should be repeated after each evacuation as it occurs.

Fever.—For simple feverish attacks Aconitum napellus is indicated, when there is dry heat, restlessness and anxiety, give every 15 minutes till skin becomes moist. For fever with moist skin, Ferrum Phosphoricum 6x every hour or two. For fever with trembling and prostration, Gelsemium every 2 hours. For fever with flushed face, dry skin, muscular twitchings, Belladonna every hour (Belladonna is also the best medicine for scarlatina). For fever of a dangerous character, Bryonia, Rhus toxicodendron and Arsenicum are the remedies, with Belladonna, Mercurius and Sulphur in scarlet fever.

Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach).—When there is pain in the stomach, which is aggravated by least food or drink, which is vomited soon after it is taken, Arsenicum 2 hours.

Gout.—For acute attack, Urtica wrens ∅ 5 drops every 4 hours in a wineglassful of warm water. If inflammation rapidly shifts from joint to joint, Colch. 3x every 2 hours, or Pulsatilla in the same way. For more chronic forms, Ledum 3x every 4 hours.

Gravel. When accompanied by flatulence and constipation, Lycopodium 6 3 times a day. When accompanied by pain in the back, reddish urine, Thlaspi 1x 2 drops 3 or 4 times a day. If these fail, Sarsaparilla 6 3 times a day.

Headache.—There are many kinds of headache, excited by various causes and presenting various symptoms, but the most common are headache proceeding from indigestion, nervous headache and sick headache. For the first of these the remedy is Nux vomica or Pulsatilla; for the second, Ignatia; and for the third, Kali carb. 6, also Ipecacuanha or Iris when the headache is accompanied by nausea or vomiting. For congestive headaches with flushed face, worse on lying down, Belladonna. For bursting headaches, coming in waves, Glonoin 3. For more or less constant headache with which the patient wakes in the morning, Natrum mur. 30. Dose, repeat every hour during attack, night and morning, as a preventive.

Heart.—Palpitation from nervous causes, Lycopus 3x 3 times a day; also Ignatia 3x may be useful.

Hysteria.—For hysterical attacks, Moschus 6 every hour or two. For the tendency and general nervous condition, Ignatia 3 times a day.

Indigestion.—For this complaint in nervous and hypochondriacal patients, Arnica montana is usually prescribed; in bilious and rheumatic patients, Bryonia; for chronic dyspepsia, Hepar Sulphuris; and for indigestion produced by over-eating or sedentary occupation, Nux vomica. For pain in stomach and between shoulders 2 to 2 hours after food, Nux vomica; for great flatulence as soon as one eats, Lyco-