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What a wonderful age ’tis my lads!
and what wonderful people live in it!
We’ve wonderful mammies and dads!
fresh wonders arise every minute!
We’ve wonderful ships in our Navy!
and wonderful Soldiers and Sailors!
We’ve wonderful beef full of gravy,
and wonderful cabbage for tailors!
Tol, lol.

We’ve wonderful Doctors call’d quacks,
and wonderful puffs in the Papers,
Will tell you most wonderful facts,
and cut you most wonderful capers!
With one little wonderful Pill,
they ev’ry disorder keep under!
And if they can’t cure, they can kill,
and, pray where's the difference, I wonder?
Tol, lol.

Take a peep at our wonderful Ladies,
they look all so wonderful pretty;
Each wig now so wonderful made is,
’twill suit grey, auburn, or jetty.
We’ve wonderful fine puppet-shows,
with wonderful sights to beholders!
We've wonderful boots for the beaux,
and coats made with wonderful shoulders!
Tol, lol.