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think that young girls do not bleed as much as full grown women, when they loose their virginity.

Her cunt as I found from ample inspection afterwards, was lipped like her sister’s, the hair, about half an inch long, scarcely covered the mons, and only slightly came down the outer lips, her thighs were plump and round, her calves big for her age; she was clean in her flesh, but alas! thick blue stockings with holes and darns, big boots with holes at the sides, a dirty ragged chemise, dark garters below the knees, made an ugly spectacle compared with the clean whiteness of Charlotte’s and Mary’s linen.

But the sight took effect, my prick had her blood on it, quietly I slid my finger up her cunt, it made her restless, she moved her legs together, shutting my hand in them; she turned on her side, and showed a plump white bum, over one side of which a long streak of bloody sperm had run. I pulled her on to her back, then she awakened struggling and called out loudly, but I was heavy on her, my prick at her cunt’s mouth, and I pushed it up until it could go no further, whilst she kept calling out, I was hurting her.

“Be quiet, I can’t hurt you, my prick is right up you,” said I beginning the exercise. She made no reply, her cunt seemed deliciously small, whenever I pushed deep, she winced as if in pain, I tried to thrust my tongue into her mouth, but she resisted it. Suddenly she said, “Oh! go away, Sarah will be home and find us.” I had my second emission, and went to sleep with my prick up her,—I was groggy. She slept also.

I awakened, got up tired with heat, excitement. drink and fucking. She got up, and sat on the side of the bed half sobered, but stupid; dropped a sovereign,
