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Then their voices dropped, they stood together, but I guessed she was asking what I had given her.

Then I went in. “You have done it to my sister”, said Sarah. “No”, said I. “Yes, you have”, and to Martha crying, “Never mind”, its better to be done by a gent, than by one of them mill-hands, I can’t abear ‘em; leave off, don’t be a fool.” I went out of the room, Sarah followed me, and I gave her the two sovereigns. “You know”, she said, “some one would ha done it to her; one of them mill-hands, or Smith would, he’s allus after her, and I knows he got his hands upon her.

Fred went up to London next day, and I was at the cottage soon after; the girls were there, the elder grinned, the younger looked queer, and would not go to the bed-room. “Don’t be a fool”, said the elder, and soon we were alone together there. Half force, half entreaty got her on to the bed, I pulled up her clothes, forced open her legs, and lay for a minute with my belly to hers in all the pleasure of anticipation, then rose on my knees for a close look. My yesterday’s letch seized me, I put my mouth to her cunt and licked it, then put my prick up the tight little slit and finished my enjoyment.

Afterwards when I had her she was neat and clean underneath, although with her every day’s clothes on. She was frightened to put on her Sunday clothes. She was a nice plump round girl, with a large bum for her size, with pretty young breasts, and a fat-lipped little slit, the lining of it instead of being a full red like Charlotte’s, Mary’s, and Sarah’s cunts, was of a delicate pink. I suppose is was that which attracted me. Certain it is that I had never licked a cunt before,
