Page:My Double Life Memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt (1907).djvu/527

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Fressard, Mlle. Caroline, 10-11

Frossard, General, 153

Froufrou, 335, 339-40, 342-44, 374, 393, 422, 426, 440

Gabrielle, by E. Augier, 269

Gaiety Theatre, London—
  Agreement with the Comédie Française, 293;
  Sarah Bernhardt's first appearance in Phèdre, 305-8;
  receipts from the Comédie performances, 336-338

Gaîté Theatre, the, 236

Gallec, Marie Le, 168

Gambard of Nice buys the group, After the Tempest, 289-90

Gambetta, M., defence of Paris, 165;
  sketch of, 218-19

Gare St. Lazare, 216

Gaulois, the, criticisms, 307, 333

Gautier, Théophile, 240

Geffroy, M., 226, 229;
  as Don Salluste, 231, 291

Gérard, Mlle. Laurence, 120-21

Gerbois, M., 108

German demands on Paris, 186;
  insolence after the siege, 199, 201-2;
  fomentation of the revolutionary spirit in Paris, 218

Gérôme, portrait of Rachel, 105

Gerson, M., 190, 194, 195

Gibert, Dr., 333

Giffard, M, balloon of, 285-87

Girardin, Emile de—
  Arrangements for the Odéon ambulance, 160;
  his friendship for Sarah Bernhardt, 231, 233, 266, 347, 351

Gladstone, Mr., 314

Godard, Louis, balloon ascent of, 284-87

Gonesse, 190

Gordon, Mr. Max, of Boston, 383

Got, M., of the Comédie Française, 272, 293, 306, 318, 320, 323, 340

Grand Rapids, 422

Grand-Champs Convent—
  Sarah Bernhardt taken to, 15-26;
  loyalty of, 23-24;
  visit of Monseigneur Sibour, 27-34;
  return of Sarah Bernhardt to, 39

Greece, the Queen of, 344

Grévy, Presidency of, 304

Griffon, René, 189-90

Gringoire, 337

Grosos, M., cable message from, 435;
  reads address to Sarah Bernhardt at Hâvre, 439

Guadacelli, chocolate maker, 142

Guérard, Ernest, 37
—— Mme.—
  At Cauterets, 37, 38;
  at the family council, 50-55;
  attends the interview with M. Auber, 59-60;
  notes, &c. kept by, 61;
  accompanies Sarah Bernhardt to the Conservatoire, 62-72, 82-84, 88;
  visit to M. Doucet, 76;
  notes of, to Sarah Bernhardt, 90, 116;
  visit to M. Thierry, 92-93;
  accompanies Sarah Bernhardt to the Comédie Française, 98;
  aids the preparations for the Spanish trip, 110-12;
  telegram sent to Spain by, 115;
  visit to the Rue Duphot, 118-19;
  accompanies Sarah Bernhardt to the Odéon, 124;
  to the Tuileries, 135-39;
  return from Eaux-Bonnes, 155;
  remains in Paris for the siege, 158;
  visit to the Prefect of Police, 161-63;
  nurse at the Odéon ambulance, 167, 168, 173, 176-77, 182, 186, 187;
  as secretary, 235;
  goes for news of Mme. Bernhardt, 248;
  illness of, 259;
  lunch in the new mansion, 271;
  portrait of, by Sarah Bernhardt, 282;
  her terror of the animals, 317;
  at Hâvre, 333, 335;
  journey to America, 353, 359, 360;
  in New York, 364, 365, 373;
  in Boston, 382, 383;
  the crossing to New Orleans, 415-416;
  at Niagara, 432;
  otherwise mentioned, 74, 91-92, 104, 107, 149, 232

—— M., 89, 111, 188;
  "The Life of St.Louis," 51

Guillaume, attendant, 168

Guitry, M., 329

Gymnase, Théâtre du, 127, 236;
  engagement of Sarah Berahardt, 107-9

Haarlem, 12

Haas, Charles, 141-44

Hague, The, 172

Hamlet's tomb, Elsinore, 344

Haraucourt, 351

Hartford, 386

  Frascati Hotel at, 158, 333;
  Sarah Bernhardt's benefit performance for the Life Saving Society, 435;
  her welcome home at, 438-40

Hayré, Captain, 420

Henry V. of France, 23-24

Herisson. M., mayor of Paris, 173

Hernani, by Victor Hugo, 219, 280-82, 335, 337, 374, 384, 393, 395, 440

Herz, Henri, 28

Her Majesty's Theatre, 294

Hocquigny, Mlle.—
  Help sent to the Odéon ambulance by, 166, 171, 173;
  lunch at Sarah Bernhardt's, 234;
  bust of, by Sarah Bernhardt, 257

Holland, Queen of, present at Sarah Bernhardt's performance of Le Passant, 138-39

Hollingshead, John, of the Gaiety, London, 293, 309-10, 336, 340

Holmes, Augusta, 347

Homburg, 18, 214-15

Hôtel d'Angleterre, Buffalo, 427

—— du Nord, Cologne, 212-13

—— de la Puerta del Sol, Madrid, 115

—— Vendome, Boston, 382

—— Windsor, Montreal, 391

Hudson river, the, 361