Page:My Friend Annabel Lee (1903).pdf/234

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the fowls. These at first gazed askance at the extraordinary food thus lavished upon them—but finally went at it madly, as if they, too, reveled in feasts.

"Mrs. Kaatenstein's face must need have been a study could she have seen her cherished ducks and geese stuffing their crops with licorice pipes and gum-drops.

"But Mrs. Kaatenstein was out for the afternoon.

"While these things were happening in her duck-yard, no less interesting ones were taking place up-stairs in her bed-room, where Harry Kaatenstein and Leah Kaatenstein and Jenny Kaatenstein were prisoners of Emma.

"At first they merely sat on the window-seat and discussed the several untoward things that they wished would happen to Emma. Having hanged, drawn and quartered that liberal-pro-