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would want to sell an honest hoss like that for any such sum?'

"'I didn't know it,' said Eli, groutily. 'He told a pooty straight story. I got took in, that's all.'

"'Took in!' repeated Uncle Gray. 'I should say, took in! I know the rogue and I'm amazed that any man with common sense and eyes in his head shouldn't 'a' seen through him at once.'

"'Maybe I ain't got common sense, and maybe I ain't got eyes in my head,' said Eli, with a dull fire in the place where eyes should have been if he had had any. 'But I didn't expect this.'

"Kit hastened to interpose between the two men."

Always I have been sorry that the boy interposed just there.

I have read the book surely seven-and-seventy times. Each time this talk over the horse comes exceeding pungent to my