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had cited it, you'd have convinced Bassett", and he turned and read out the report.

"The State of Ohio," he went on, "is one of the four States, as you know, (I didn't know it) that have adopted the New York Code—New York, Ohio, Kansas and California"—he proceeded, "the four States in a line across the continent; no one of these high courts will contradict the other. So you can be sure of your verdict—well, what do you say?" he concluded.

"I shall be delighted," I replied at once, "indeed I am proud to work with you: I could have wished no better fortune".

He held out his hand silently and the thing was settled.

Sommerfeld smoked a while in silence and then remarked casually, "I used to give Barker a hundred dollars a week for his household expenses: will that suit you?"

"Perfectly, perfectly", I cried, "I only hope I shall earn it and justify your good opinion—"

"You are a better advocate than Barker even now," he said, "but you have one—drawback"—he hesitated.

"Please go on," I cried, "don't be afraid, I can stand any criticism and profit by it—I hope". "Your accent is a little English, isn't it?" he said, "and that prejudices both judge and jury against you, especially the jury: if you had Barker's accent, you'd be the best pleader in the State—"

"I'll get the accent," I exclaimed, "you're dead right: I had already felt the need of it; but I was obstinate, now I'll get it: you may bet on that, get it within a week" and I did.

There was a lawyer in the town named Hoysradt who had had a fierce quarrel with my brother Willie.