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Prime Minister, 321; letter from Cashel Hoey, 322; state my political policy, its reception by the Press, 324-5; negotiations with Sir James Martin on Intercolonial Customs Duties, 326; defence of my policy as an Irishman in Ireland, 328; prison reforms, 331; letters from John O'Hagan, 333 note; Childers, 335; Carlyle, 336; fall of the Government, 339; knighted, 341; letters from John Forster, 343; Dr. Moriarty, 344; Sir Redmond Barry, 345; Henry Parkes, 346; second visit to Europe, 347; invited to stand for Meath, 347 et seq.; letters to Father Peter Reilly, 350; Cashel Hoey, 351; letters to my wife, 352-3; letter from Isaac Butt, 353; meet Dr. Manning, 354; letter from W. Allingham, 355; visit to Dublin, amazing proposal from Dr. Thresham Gregg, 356; renewed overtures to induce me to re-enter Parliament, 359; social engagements, 360, letters to my wife, 361-2-3-6; Summers makes my bust, 362; at the O'Connell Centenary Celebration, 364-5; letters to Lord O'Hagan, 366; from Marcus Clarke, 367; to Lord O'Hagan, 367-8; from Lord O'Hagan, 368; return to Melbourne, 370; re-enter Parliament, 371; unanimously chosen Speaker, 372; remonstrate with the Government against the proposed removal of the officers of Parliament, 373; letter from Mary Howitt, 374; appointed Knight Commander of St. Michael and St. George, 375; begin to write "Young Ireland," 377; letter to John O'Hagan, 377; letter to Pope Hennessy, 379; from Pope Hennessy, 379; Lord O'Hagan, 380; The MacDermott of Coolavin, Cashel Hoey, 381; to Lord O'Hagan, 380; death of my wife, 382; letters from Mrs. Hutton, 382; Archbishop Vaughan, 383; farewell to the Victorian Parliament, 384

Duffy, Francis, brother of C. G. D., death of, i. 23

Duffy, James, publisher, i. 220-3

Duffy, John, Father of C. G. D., i. 3

Duffy, John, jun., brother of C. G. D., touching story of, i. 18

Duffy, John Gavan, eldest son of C. G. D., i. note 60

Duffy, Mrs. Gavan, née McLaughlin, i. 119-21; death of, 124

Duffy, Mrs. Gavan, née Hughes, ii. 4, 241, 252-3; letters to, 352-3, 361-2-3; death of, 382

Duffy, Rev. James, guardian of C. G. D., i. 7, 10, 16, 19; will not consent to my going to Trinity College, 22, 24


Ebden, Mr., ii. 209, 211, 214-7

Elgee, Francesca (later Lady Wilde), see "Speranza."

(Eva) Miss Mary Eva Kelly, i. 217

Evans, Dr., ii. 163, 197, 207


Fagan, William, letter to Charlton S. Ralph

Fawkner, J. P., ii. 165 and note, 173, 304-5

Federalism, O'Connell embraces, i.99; letters from C. G. D. to O'Connell on, in the Nation, 100, note 100; O'Connell breaks with, 105

Ferguson, Samuel, i. note 64, 70, 82, 90, 91; his estimate of D'Arcy M'Gee, poetry note, 128; letter to C. G. D., 141 note, 194, 202-3, 243, 263; ii. 261-5

Fitzgerald, Archdeacon, ii. 102

Fitzsimon, Christopher, i. 193, ii. 21

Flood, Mr. Edward, ii. 142

Ford, Mr., ii. 116

Forster, John, ii. 95, 110, 124-6, 258 et seq.; letter from, 263, 271, 342; letter from, 243

Francis, J. G., ii. 218, 299-300, 329, 341, 371

Fulham, Mr. Bernard, i. 310


Geoghegan, Arthur, ii. 117; letter from, 239

Gladstone, William Ewart, i. 71. ii. 33-7, 50-2, 83-6-7 note, 223, 264, 279, 281, 307, 311 note, 312, 328, 344, 356, 379

Glass, Hugh, ii. 226

Godkin, Rev. James, i. 43, and note 43; ii. 34