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Sisyphus, labor of, 184.

Slave, 39.

Slavery, sanctioned by the

Church, 221. Slavophile, 30. Socrates, 124, 126. Soldier, at Borovitzky Gate, 19, 88; Russian nickname for, 88. Solomon, 134.

Son of man, doctrine regard ing, 125 et seq. ; 142, 150, 152, 156, 263.

Spirit, the Holy, 68. Spiritism, 123.

State, service of, 21, 22, 257; independent of the Church, 223.

States, divisions into, a barba rism, 107. Stoics, 124, 173. Strauss, 41, 93. Suffering, useless, 183. Sukhareff Tower, 183. Talents, parable of the, 142. Talmud, 17, 56, 143, 173. Theologians, declarations of, 6. Theophylact, 33. Thief, on the cross, vii. Tiele, 148. Tischendorf , 55, 75. Tohu, 18, 19, 21, 22, 42, 43. Torah, 56, 61, 68. Tribunals, 23, 24; contrary to

law of Jesus, 25 ct seg.; sanctioned by the Church, 221. Trinity, 14, 40, 58, 116, 117,


Truth, Christian, 4. Tiibingeu, school of, 33. Turks, 259.

verdammen, meaning of, 34. Violence, renunciation of, 38; organized, 45, 196; destruc tive to happiness, 253; temp tations to, 254; futility of, 259 et seq.

Virgins, parable of, 139. voskresnovit, meaning of, 146. Vulgate, 34.

War, organized murder, 101, 192; justified by the Church, 211, 221, Wars of our century, victims

of, 193.

Work, an inevitable condition of happiness, 186, 201, 205, 207.

World, the doctrine of, illus trated, 129; sufferings for, 181, 185-192; its commands. 191; its necessities, 184 ct seq.; justification of, 188; its relation to the Church, 221 et seq.

Worldly advantage, 11. zanah, meaning of, 83.

Printed by WALTER SCOTT, Felling, Newcastle-cn.Tvne.