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I held her to my beating heart,
My young, my smiling Lammie.
I hae a house, it cost me dear,
I've walth o' plenishen and gear,
Ye'se get it a' war't ten times mair,
Gin ye will leave your mammy.

The smile gade aff her bonnie face,
I maun nae leave my mammy;
She's gi'en me meat, she's gi'en me claise,
She's been my comfort a' my days:——
My father's death brought mony waes
I canna leave my mammy.

We'll tak her hame and mak her fain,
My ain kind-hearted Lammie,
We’ll gie her meat, we'll gie her claise,
We'll be her comfort a' her days.
The wee thing gie's her hand and says,
There, gang and ask my mammy.

Tak' your Auld Cloak about ye.

IN winter when the rain rain'd cauld,
And frost and snaw on ilka hill,
And Boreas with his blasts sae bauld,
Was threat'ning a' our ky to kill;
Then Bell my wife, wha loves na strife,
She said to me right hastily,
Get up, good man, save Cromy's life,
And tak' your auld cloak about ye.