Page:My people stories of the peasantry of West Wales.djvu/108

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quibbler. In his dealings with the kind the squire acted through his lawyer, and therefore many days had to pass before the ground would be transferred to Capel Sion.

Meanwhile those who worshipped in Sion were commanded to pray without ceasing that Twm’s life would not end until the new burial place came into Sion's possession. But in spite of all the prayers each hour seemed to take Twm nearer the parish church. Three times in one day Madlen laid her black gown over the foot of the bed; three times she took the razor out of its case.

Many came to Tybach and prayed by Twm’s bedside; some came from a distance, and they arrived weary and refreshed themselves with tea which Madlen brewed for them; and every visitor brought a present.

The sick man was tempted with offerings of tins of sardines and corned beef, jars of red cabbage pickles and home-made jams. Mistress Bryn-Bevan sent a bottle