Page:My people stories of the peasantry of West Wales.djvu/150

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me a deal now. Educating a boy to be a little preacher does take a lot of money, Betti. But I am only lending to the Big Man.”

Betti broke in: “Josh, I’ve been a foolish woman. I rejected your counsel, and I mocked the Man of Terror. But I am humbled now, Josh bach. All the stiffness has gone out of me. And the Big Man is angry with me.”

“Repent you, Betti fach, and He will forgive you.”

“Little Josh, I have passed through the Pool since I wedded Gwylim. Oh, Josh,” Betti cried, “deal gently with your sister nice. Turn you not me out of my home. What is the rent to you? Listen you to my plea, there's a boy bach.”

“I would now, indeed, but you see Priscila has given her word——

The infant nestling against Betti’s breast touched the sore made there by the ring end of Gwylim’s razor strop, and