Page:My people stories of the peasantry of West Wales.djvu/81

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“Eben bach, why for now do you waste your days in sleep? Go you, little son, and dig a hole in the place where stood Old Shaci’s hut.”

“It’ll be a big hole, little Big Man,” answered Eben, “if I must make it the size of Old Shaci’s hut.”

The Big Man replied: “There’s a boy you are for pleading! Go you up and stand against the sour apple tree with your face to the sea. At a distance of three steps from the trunk of the tree dig an old hole after the fashion of a grave.”

“Do you tell me now for what?” Eben asked.

“For sure, is there not a talent buried there?”

Eben left Shames’s sheep and came to Penrhos.

“Little Simon,” he said, “lend you me an old pickaxe and a shovel.”

Returning, he numbered the sheep, and