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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200080002-5

programs of cooperation, there is a continuous contact between U.S. and Italian scientists in the universities and in industry, and there is an extensive student exchange program under various fellowship arrangements.

It was reported in March 1972 that scientific relations between the Italian CNR and the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences have deteriorated because Italian scientists were frequently unable to obtain admission to certain scientific institutes to which admission had been previously promised by the Soviets. Consequently, the CNR is not encouraging exchanges of scientific visits unless there is a specific agreement on the itinerary. There is no longer an exchange of space scientists between Italy and the U.S.S.R.

B. Organization, planning, and financing of research (C)

Governmental organizations are assuming increasing importance in the conduct of research and development in Italy. The principal government agencies concerned with research are shown in Figure 1. The highest authority for overseeing scientific research and development activities is the Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning (CIPE). Since February 1967, CIPE, which is chaired by the Prime Minister and composed of most of the important ministers, has been responsible for the control, organization, and planning of scientific research. Each year the president of the CNR submits to CIPE a report that is used as a basis for deciding on the research and development budget allocations by the government. Before submission, this study (General Report on the State of Science and Technology) is reviewed by the Minister of Science and Technology, who then passes his comments to CIPE. In December 1971, CIPE was given responsibility for the overall direction of CNEN's nuclear research activities and for approval of long-range plans submitted to it by CNEN through the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

The Ministry of Science and Technology, formed in 1962, has practically no staff and has very limited funds. The minister has had an advisory function only. To date, most of the ministry's activities have consisted of studying ways of enlarging the responsibilities of the minister and in attempting to obtain the necessary powers for the ministry. The supporters of the ministry favor a system whereby detailed proposals for research programs must be

FIGURE 1. Government organization for science and technology, 1972 (U/OU)


APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200080002-5