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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200080003-4

FIGURE 8. Selected pipelines (S)
Terminals Length in Italy (Miles) Diameter (Inches) Products Carried Capacity* Remarks
From To
Cagliano Castelferrato Gela 50 6 Crude oil na Owned by ENI. Pumping station at Gagliano Castelferrato.
Genoa Busalla 19 16 Crude oil 40,000 Owned by Industria Piedmontese Lavarazione Olii Minerali. Pumping station at Genoa.
Genoa Cremona 95 12/14 Crude oil 100,000 Owned by Amoco Italia, S.P.A. Parallel lines. Pumping station at Genoa.
Genoa Rho 81 12 Crude oil 80,000 Owned by Shell Italiana, S.P.A. Pumping station at Genoa.
Genoa Lacchiarella 67 10 Crude oil 50,000 Owned by Continentale Italiana, S.P.A. Pumping station at Genoa.
Lacchiarella Villasanta 25 8 Crude oil 30,000 Extension of Genoa-Lacchiarella line. Pumping station at Lacchiarella.
Genoa Ferrera Erbognone 52 26, 32 Crude oil 360,000 Central European Pipeline. Pumping at Genoa, Ferrera Erbognone.
Ferrera Erbognone Chivasso 48 18 Crude oil 60,000 Branch of Central European Pipeline. Pumping stations at Ferrera Erbognone, Chivasso.
Chivasso Etroubles 75 12, 16 Crude oil 60,000 Extension of above branch line; line continues into Switzerland, terminates at Aigle. Pumping stations at Chivasso and Aosta.
Ferrera Erbognone Isola 126 18 to 26 Crude oil 200,000 Branch of Central European Pipeline; line crosses into West Germany, terminating at Ingolstadt. Pumping stations at Ferrera Erbognone, Melegnano, Lecco, San Giacomo, Isola.
Ferrera Erbognone Bertonico 51 22 Crude oil 140,000 Branch of Central European Pipeline placed in service 1972. Owned by Gulf Italiana, S.P.A. Pumping station at Ferrera Erbognone.
Ferrera Erbognone Volpiano 57 20 Crude oil 120,000 Branch of Central European Pipeline placed in service 1970. Pumping station at Ferrera Erbognone.
Marghera Mantova 78 10 Crude oil 40,000 Owned by Industrie Chimiche Italiane del Petrolio. Pumping station at Marghera.
Ragusa Augusta 40 14 Crude oil 40,000 Pumping station at Ragusa, Palazzolo Acreide.
Trieste Timau 90 40 Crude oil 1,080,000 Owned by Societa Italiana per l'Oleodotto Transalpino, S.P.A. Italian section of international Trans Alpine Pipeline (TAL) serving refineries near Ingolstadt, West Germany, Lanunch and Vienna, Austria. Pumping stations at Trieste, Timau.
Vado Ligure Trecate 94 20 Crude oil 160,000 Owned by Societa per Azioni Raffineria Padona Olii Minerali (SARPOM). Pumping station at Vado Ligure.


APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200080003-4