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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110011-1

land on unprepared terrain in many parts of the plains. Low-level approaches are generally unrestricted, and there are many airfields that could be utilized for airborne operations. Construction of new airfields would be easiest on the plains near Prague, but construction materials, especially rock, are not readily available.

Conditions for irregular forces operations range from fair on plains and lower slopes to good in the low mountains and upper slopes of hills. Movement within the hills and mountains would be primarily on unimproved and improved natural-surfaced roads. On the plains, the road network is more dense and of better quality. Movement on foot would generally be unrestricted on the plains but would be slowed by wet soils and by snow cover in winter. Steep, forested slopes in hills and mountains are an additional hindrance. Conditions for concealment from air and ground observations and cover from flat-trajectory fire would be best on forested upper slopes; some cover and concealment would also be provided by other surface irregularities, ditches, stream banks, and buildings in town. Population density is greatest around Prague and other urban centers and sparse in higher and more rugged parts of the region. Food and shelter are more readily available in populated plains, basins, and urban areas than in the hills. Water is generally available but should be treated before drinking. Aerial supply of irregular forces would be easiest on the plains near Prague.

3. Central and Southern Plains and Southeastern Plain

These two regions, part of which forms the important Morava-Oder Corridor, are mostly favorable for conventional ground operations. Terrain consists mostly of flat to rolling plains including the large Morava and Oder river valleys (Figure 6). The regions are mostly cultivated and drained mainly by slow-flowing streams which low banks and wide valleys.

Although the road network is sparse except near large industrial centers in the northwestern part of the Central and Southern Plains, there are few bottlenecks to impede on-road movement. Construction of new roads would be fairly easy on most of the flat to rolling plains. Vehicular cross-country movement and offroad dispersal would also be fairly easy (Figure 7), especially from early April to mid-November. During the remainder of the year, movement would be slowed and, in places, hindered by miry soils or by snow cover. Some cover from flat-trajectory fire and concealment from ground observation are afforded by stream banks, ditches, road or railroad embankments, levees (most common in the south), and other surface irregularities. Buildings in rural and urban areas also afford cover from small arms fire and concealment from ground and air observation. Widely scattered small patches of mixed needleleaf evergreen and broadleaf deciduous forest afford additional concealment from air observation. Both regions contain many good sites suitable for construction of bunker-type installations. Construction, materials, except timber, are generally available. Few sites are suitable for construction of tunnel-type installations.

Conditions are favorable for airmobile and airborne operations. There are numerous sites for airdrops and helicopter landings. Low-level approaches may be restricted at some sites by surrounding high relief. Fixed-wing, assault-type aircraft could land in many places on unprepared terrain. Airfields are numerous in the Central and Southern Plains, but there are few airfields of significant size in the Southeastern Plain. Many sites are suitable for construction of large airfields, but construction materials are generally lacking.

Irregular forces operations within these regions would be difficult. Population is mainly centered

FIGURE 6. Nearly flat to rolling plains in Morava-Oder Corridor afford especially easy offroad dispersal and cross-country movement, making this area well suited for conventional ground operations (S)


APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110011-1