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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110014-8

3. Minerals and metals 10
a. Ferrous metallurgy 11
b. Nonferrous metals 12
c. Construction materials 13
4. Manufacturing and construction 14
a. Machinery and equipment 14
b. Chemicals 16
c. Light industry 17
d. Agricultural processing 17
e. Construction 18
C. Government finance and economic policy 19
1. National economic planning and policy 19
2. Government finance 21
a. Financial organization 22
b. Currency 22
c. Financial planning 22
3. Economic institutions 24
D. Trade 25
1. Domestic 25
2. Foreign 26
a. Organization 26
b. Growth and direction 28
c. Commodity structure 28
d. Problems 29
e. Balance of payments 30

Fig. 1 Strategic supply position, 1972 (table) 3
Fig. 2 Area, production, and yields of principal crops (table) 4
Fig. 3 Data on livestock and livestock products (table) 5
Fig. 4 Energy position, 1972 (table) 7
Fig. 5 Output of major fuels and power (table) 7
Fig. 6 Production of selected minerals and metals (table) 11
Fig. 7 Production of selected construction materials (table) 13
Fig. 8 Production of principal types of machinery and equipment (table) 14
Fig. 9 Principal products of the chemical industry (table) 16
Fig. 10 Selected light industry products (table) 17
Fig. 11 Selected products of agricultural processing industry (table) 18
Fig. 12 Structure of investment, 1948-1972 (table) 20
Fig. 13 Investments by branch of the economy (table) 21
Fig. 14 State budget, 1971 and 1972 (table) 24
Fig. 15 Trade and trade balances, 1948-1972 (table) 27
Fig. 16 Volume of trade with major partners, 1960-1972 (table) 28
Fig. 17 Commodity structure of foreign trade (table) 29


APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110014-8