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8.24 The objective will be to re-cast the examination system so as to ensure a method of assessment that is a valid and reliable measure of student development and a powerful instrument for improving teaching and learning; in functional terms, this would mean;

  1. The elimination of excessive element of chance and subjectivity;
  2. The de-emphasis of memorisation;
  3. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation that incorporates both scholastic and non-scholastic aspects of education, spread over the total span of instructional time.
  4. Effective use of the evaluation process by teachers, students and parents;
  5. Improvement in the conduct of examination;
  6. The introduction of concomitant changes in instructional materials and methodology;
  7. Instruction of the semester system from the secondary stage in a phased manner; and
  8. The use of grades in place of marks.

8.25 [The above goals are relevant both for external examinations and evaluations within educational institutions. Evaluation at the institutional level will be streamlined and the predominance of external examinations reduced. A National Examination Reform Framework would be prepared to serve as a set of guidelines to the examining bodies which would have the freedom to innovate and adapt the framework to suit the specific situations.][1]



9.1 The status of the teacher reflects the socio-cultural ethos of a society; it is said that no people can rise above the level of its teachers. The Government and the community should

  1. Substituted by Revised Policy Formulations