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Council of Teacher Education will be provided the necessary resources and capability to accredit institutions of teacher-education and provide guidance regarding curricula and methods. Networking arrangements will be created between institutions of teacher education and university departments of education.



10.1 An overhaul of the system of planning and the management of education will receive high priority. The guiding considerations will be;

  1. Evolving a long-term planning and management perspective of education and its integration with the country's developmental and manpower needs;
  2. Decentralisation and the creation of a spirit of autonomy for educational institutions;
  3. Giving pre-eminence to people’s involvement, including association of non-governmental agencies and voluntary effort;
  4. Inducting more women in the planning and management of education;
  5. Establishing the principle of accountability in relation to given objectives and norms.


10.2 The Central Advisory Board of Education will play a pivotal role in reviewing educational development, determining the changes required to improve the system and monitoring implementation. It will function through appropriate Committees and other mechanisms created to ensure contact with, and coordination among, the various areas of Human Resource Development. The Departments of Education at the Centre and in the States will be strengthened through the involvement of professionals.