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§ 230 202 Title 49—Transportation

which will enable the enginemen to con- tain the speed or stop the locomotive or train, shall respond to control from the enginemen's compartment of the con- trolling unit.

Interpretation. On locomotive units coupled in multiple control, the parts and components capable of producing power to propel the locomotive or train. the air brakes capable of retarding or stopping the locomo- tive or train, and the sandals, shall respond to control from the operating compartment

(d) Slipping or sliding wheel alarms

Means shall be provided whereby claims and indications of either slipping or slid- ing driving wheels on any unit in a loco- motive used in road service will be shown in the enginemen's compartment of the controlling unit

Interpretation: This rule does not require both an audible alarm and a visible indica- tion, but does require that either the one, or the other, must be provided

The requirements of the rule are satisfied by a device which shows when either slip- ping or sliding occurs even though not dis- tinguishing between the one and the other

§ 239 202 Term "inspector"

The term "inspector" as used in the rules and instructions in this subpart means, unless other else specified, the railioad company's inspection

§ 239.203 Trip or daily inspection

(a) Each locomotive unit when used in road service (including belt—line. transfer or work-train service) shall be inspected at least once every 24 horns, except locomotive units operated on through runs exceeding 24 hours, may be inspected at the next crew change point immediately beyond the point at which the 24-hour period expires. Each locomotive unit when used exclusively in yard service shall be inspected at least once during each calendar day. A re- port of the above inspections shall be made on an approved form to the proper representative of the railroad whether such locomotive units need repairs or not. This form shall show the name of the railroad, the initials and number of the unit, the place, date and time of the inspection; the defects disclosed by such inspection, and the signature of the em- ployee making the inspection. If any defects exist which constitute a violation of the Locomotive Inspection Act, or any Federal Railroad Administiation rules and regulations thereunder, such defects shall be repaired before the unit is again used and proper notation made on the report to indicate that such repairs have been made. This report shall be ap- proved by the designated representative of the railroad and shall then be filed in the office of the railroad at the terminal at which the unit is cared for.

(b) A record shall be maintained on each locomotive, or on each unit, com- prising the locomotive: showing the place, date and time of the last previous inspection for each unit

(c) Any competent employee may be designated by the railroad to make the inspections mounted by this rule

(d) Any official or responsible em- ployee designated by the railroad may approve the inspection report. The unit may be used in further service without waiting for such approval, provided de- fects reported have been repaired as re- quired by this rule

(e) This rule prescribes the minimum number of inspections that are required to be made and is not intended to prevent the railroad from making additional inspections.

(f) The instructions on the approved form should not be varied from, nor should the form itself be materially al- tered. Additional items may be added to this form to cover anything the rail- road may desire to have inspected

FRA Form No 2-A

Locomotive No Unit No Initials Railroad


Instructions. Each locomotive unit shall be inspected in accordance with Rule 203 of the Laws Rules and Instructions for Inspec- tion and Testing of Locomotives other than Steam

Inspected at ___________ time ______ m

Date ____________ 19 __

Reapirs needed:

Main reservoir pressure ______ lbs

Brake pipe pressure ______ lbs

Condition of makes and brake rigging

Signature of employee making inspection

Occupation ________________

The above work has been performed except as noted and the report is approved



[33 FR 19621, Dec 25, 1968, as amended at 34 FR 11973, July 16, 1969]

§ 230 262 Engines and accessories

(a) Tagging for repairs Internal combustion engines shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for serv- ice whenever any internal combustion engine has been shut down because of defects and the unit is continued in serv- ice a distinctive tag giving reason for the shut down shall he conspicuously at- tached until the engine starting control and shall remain attached until repairs

have been made