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ICG Rule 515 states that:

"A train or engine haying passed beyond the limits of a block must not back into that block except under protection as prescribed by Rule 99."

Rule training. The training of ICG employees on the operating rules consisted of rule classes in which the individual employee's supervisor gave verbal instructions and verbal examinations. in 1970, when the six crewmembers of train 416 and 720 were last re—examined, written questions were used for the first time. The 65 questions to both engine and train personnel encompassed all types of ICG railroad operations. The test consisted mainly of multiple—choice and true-or—false questions. The crewmembers of trains 416 and 720 answered 82, 71, 66, 83, 71, and 65 percent of the questions correctly. ICG supervisors indicated that after the examination, each employee who made an incorrect answer had the correct answer explained to him. The crewmembers who testified at the public hearing, however, did not generally support this contention. All six crewmembers were requalified on the rules on the date of the written examination.

One true-or-false question on the test was particularly pertinent to this accident:

"A train or engine having passed beyond the limits of a block must not re—enter that block unless a member of the crew is sent far enough in advance of the movement to provide flag protection."

The correct answer, with which all of the crewmembers of the 416 and 720 responded, was true. 0n the Chicago division of the ICG, 171 operating employees answered "true" and 18 "false."

The examination did not address procedures required when a train is operating under the authority of an approach signal.

Rule enforcement. Each operating supervisor on the Chicago Division was required to check for rule compliance by conducting a minimum number of efficiency tests each month. Thirty-four different types of tests could have been used. The tests performed in the first 10 months of 1972 and the percentage of compliance are shown in Appendix D.