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915. when passenger trains are to be backed, conductors must station themselves on rear car, test the brakes by applying them by use of a back-up valve or back-up hose, ride the car and personally supervise the movement. The air whistle signal must be sounded at frequent intervals. when back-up move is to be a short distance due to over-running station platform or fuel and water facilities, trainman may function for conductor.




921. They must have the required flagging equipment, at proper location for immediate use, before starting each trip.




1001. They are under the direction of the conductor of the train with respect to its operation and must comply with his instructions, except when such instructions imperil the safety of train or themselves or involve violation of rules.


1003. They must, unless otherwise provided, know that engine is furnished with necessary signals, tools, fuel, sand and other supplies.

They must also see the flagging equipment, in condition for immediate use, is on the engine.


1020. If a train makes an improper station stop, it must not be moved until the conductor gives the proper signal to do so. If, after making stop, should it be necessary to move the engine, it must not be done while passengers are leaving or entering the train.


1022. Engineer must be alert in all matters pertaining to safety and when it becomes evident that rear of train requires protection, immediately sound whistle signal for flagman and, if necessary, repeat the signal until protection is assured.