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As train No. 74 approached the OW interlocking, the engineer saw a red (stop) signal indication. The engineer, using the Metro Region Commuter Radio channel No. 3, called, "74 to OW," twice between 4:05 and 4:06 p.m. After the second call, the OW operator replied, "OK 74," and activated the signal lever, which cleared the signal for the train to continue east of OW on track No. 2. The CW operator recorded movement of train No. 74 east on track No. 2 at 4:08 p.m.

Train No. 74 continued eastward on track No. 2 in response to clear indications on the next three signals. However, the fourth signal, just west of Dobbs Ferry station, indicated "Advance Approach." However, before train No. 74 arrived at the signal, it changed to "Approach." The engineer reduced the train's speed to approximately 25 mph as it passed the signal and entered a 0° 46′ right-hand curve. On exiting the curve, the engineer and fireman saw a freight train about 0.5 mile to the east approaching on one of the four tracks. When the engineer determined that the approaching train was on the same track, he shouted a warning to the fireman and simultaneously applied the train brakes in emergency. The engineer and fireman jumped from the locomotive, without alerting the conductor or passengers, just before the train came to a stop.

Moments later, OPSE-7 collided with standing train No. 74 at about 10 mph. The impact derailed the lead unit of OPSE-7 and pushed train No. 74 rearward about 112 feet, derailing the lead power car (see figure 2) and the following three passenger cars. (See figure 3.) Electrical power to the four tracks was shut off after a crewmember boarded the cab of the rear power car and used the radio to request that the power be shut off because of the collision and because passengers were getting onto the tracks. An employee of a restaurant adjacent to the accident site immediately called the Dobbs Ferry Police Department. Within 3 minutes after the accident, emergency forces began to arrive at the accident site.

Injuries to Persons

Injuries OPSE-7
Train No. 74
Passengers Total
Fatal 0 0 0   0
Nonfatal 4 5 75   84
None 0 0 150 * 150 *
Total 4 5 225 * 234 *

* Estimated became a number of uninjured passengers left the scene of the accident before a total count could be obtained.


Damage to OPSE-7 was limited to the derailed lead locomotive unit. The front end coupler was broken and the front deck, handrails, and side steps were bent, torn, and twisted. The short hood was forward and it was crushed inward.

The operating cab of the power club car of train No. 74 was destroyed became of the 10-mph impact. All floor or deck mounted equipment was torn or sheared off. The other cars in the train sustained minor structural damage.