Page:NTSB Report, Japan Air Lines Flight 813.pdf/7

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and was cleared to land on Runway 29 at Hie Oakland International Aimed. Crush emergency mamas were quickly taken at the Oakland Airport.

Although the captain experienced momentary aileron reversion to manual when the landing gear and flap: were extended, the Letter limited to 25 degrees, he made a safe landing at 1320. The inboard engine ejector; had been extended by emergency air pressure, and through the use of maximum reverse thrust from the inboard. engines and. heavy braking,the aircraft was brought to a stop with about 1,800 feet of runway remaining.

The accident occurred under daylight condition; at a position approximately

122°26‘W and 37°40′N.

1.2 Injuries to Personnel

Injuries Crew Passengers Others
Fatal 0 0 0
Nonfatal 0 0 0
None 10 31

1.3 Damage to Aircraft

The aircraft received substantial damage. The No. 1 engine was dis- integrated. The left Wing, No. 2 engine pylon, and fuselage received shrapnel— type damage. The No. 1 engine pylon and the left wing structure from the leading to trailing edges in the area of the Na. 1 engine sustained extensive fire damage .

1.4 Other Damage

No damage to other property.