Page:Nalkowska - Kobiety (Women).djvu/308

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"What was that, Janka?"

With downcast eyes I answered, smiling:

"That I should never love you any more."

I had spoken with absolute candour and certitude. I knew this to be a necessity of life to me; and I wiped my last tears away—

"Bah! give over, little girl. Do you not see this too is silly sentiment? You yourself don't believe what you say." He still spoke as in tones of tranquil persuasion; but I could see disquietude looking out of his eyes.

I smiled at him once more, saying: "Whether I believe or not, matters little. What matters is that you certainly do!"

He turned a trifle pale, and felt nervously for his cigarette-case. "Give over!" he cried out roughly, on a sudden, and again came towards me.

I rose, quivering all over with excitement, but managed to say, calmly enough:

"I should not like to part from you too tragically. And since I have had enough of love in general, and enough of your person especially, I am afraid I must ask you to have the goodness to withdraw now. Let us shake hands on parting. Go."

He came forwards, with knit gloomy