Page:Narrative of William W. Brown, a fugitive slave.djvu/132

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sackcloth. A proportionate reward will be given to whoever will bring him back to the bakery, No. 74, Bourbon street."

From the N. O. Picayune of Sunday, Dec. 17.

"Cock-pit.Benefit of Fire Company No. 1, Lafayette.

—A cock-fight will take place on Sunday, the 17th inst., at the well-known house of the subscriber. As the entire proceeds are for the benefit of the fire company, a full attendance is respectfully solicited.

Adam Israng.

"Corner of Josephine and Tchoupitolas streets, Lafayette."

From the N. O. Picayune.

"Turkey Shooting.—This day, Dec. 17, from 10 o'clock, a. m., until o'clock, p. m., and the following Sundays, at M'Donoughville, opposite the Second Municipality Ferry."

The next is an advertisement from the New Orleans Bee, an equally popular paper.

"A Bull Fight, between a ferocious bull and a number of dogs, will take place on Sunday next, at 4¼ o'clock, p. m., on the other side of the river, at Algiers, opposite Canal street. After the bull fight, a fight will take place between a bear and some dogs. The whole to conclude by a combat between an ass and several dogs.

"Amateurs bringing dogs to participate in the fight will be admitted gratis. Admittance—Boxes, 50 cts.; Pit, 30 cts. The spectacle will be repeated every Sunday, weather permitting.

"Pepe Llulla."



The following are mostly abridged selections from the statutes of the slave states and of the United States. They give