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TENNESSEE.Stat. Law, Chap. 57. Sec. 1.—Penalty on master for hiring to any slave his own time, a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than two dollars a day, half to the informer.— p. 679.

Chap. 2. Sec. 102.— No slave can be emancipated but on condition of immediately removing from the state, and the person emancipating shall give bond, in a sum equal to the slave's value, to have him removed.—p. 279.

Laws of 1813. Chap. 35.—In the trial of slaves, the sheriff chooses the court, which must consist of three justices and twelve slaveholders to serve as jurors.

ARKANSAS.—Rev. Seat.. Sec. 4. requires the patrol to visit all places suspected of unlawful assemblages of slaves; and sec. 5 provides that any slave found at such assembly, or strolling about without a pass, shall receive any number of lashes, at the discretion of the patrol, not exceeding twenty— p. 60-1.

MISSOURI.—Laws. I.—Any master may commit to jail, there to remain, at his pleasure, any slave who refuses to obey him or his overseer.—p. 300.

Whether a slave claiming freedom may even commence a suit for it, may depend on the decision of a single judge.—Stroud's Sketch, p. 78. note which refers to Missouri laws, I.. 404.

KENTUCKYDig. of Stat., Act Feb. 8. 1798. Sec. 5.— No colored person may keep or carry gun, powder, shot. club or other weapon, on penalty of thirty-nine lashes, and forfeiting the weapon, which any person is authorized to take.

VIRGINIA.Rev. Code.—Any emancipated slave remaining in the state more than a year, may be sold by the overseers of the poor, for the benefit of the literary fund!— Vol. i., p. 436.

Any slave or free colored person found at any school for teaching reading or writing, by day or night, may be whipped,
